
Developing and Using English Teaching Materials in Vocational High School (A Case Study to Vocational English Teachers in SMK Negeri 1 Karanganyar in Academic Year 2015/2016)

Oleh :
Dhebora Pramesti Hapsari - K2211025 - Fak. KIP


This case study was conducted to describe: (1) The process of developing English teaching materials for Vocational High School, (2) The way teachers use the teaching materials in the classrooms.
    This study took place in SMK Negeri 1 Karanganyar on September 3rd-October 10th 2015. The study was initiated by observing the classroom activities which focused on how teachers used the teaching materials. This process involved the XI grade students of tourism and two English teachers, Mrs. SS and Mrs. NH. Beside the observation process, the data also gathered through an interview between the researcher and the two teachers.
    The data which had been collected were analysed through the process of data elaboration and reduction. The analysed data were displayed in tables. The result of data analysis process showed that the process of developing teaching materials consisted of two major steps, they were the student’sneed analysis process and the materials adaptation process. Meanwhile, the developed materials such as pictures, videos, coursebooks, and direct listening materials were served as an object during the discussion activity. The discussion activity was proved to be effective in increasing students’ participation in the English class.
    From the data analysis result, it can be sum up that the teachers developed teaching materials by considering student’s needs. The teaching materials were developed by adapting several existed teaching materials. They were then used mostly in the discussion activity and used as a brainstorming for students.

Keywords : English teaching materials, developing teaching materials, using teaching materials, need analysis, material adaptation, discussion