

Translation Analysis of Circumstances in The Gospel According to Matthew Chapter 12 Through 14 from English Into Indonesian

Oleh :
Burwan Tilusubya - S131608016 - Sekolah Pascasarjana


This study deployed translation of circumstances, viewed from Transitivity Analysis, with descriptive qualitative method. Its specific objectives were to analyse the type of circumstances found in both the source text and the target text, to examine and describe the translation techniques of the circumstances used in the translation, and to evaluate the quality of the translation based on the aspects accuracy and acceptablity. The study utilized document analysis and focus group discussion to collect both linguistic and translation data. The collected data were analysed through domain, taxonomy, componential analysis, and determining the cultural  value. Meanwhile the study  indicates  that  circumstances  of  location, manner, cause, accompaniment, and extent are used in both text. The application of established equivalent, couplet, modulation, transposition, paraphrasing, deletion, explicitation, discursive creation, and implicitation techniques were largely influenced by the form of a circumstance. Furthermore, the application of established equivalent, couplet, and implicitation produced a good translation based on the aspect of accuracy compared to modulation, transposition, explicitation, and praphrasing. The study concludes that, the deployment of appropriate translation  techniques  and  the  consideration  of  the  context  of situation in which the processes unlock, produce a good translation. Thus in so doing, the translator can either change or maintain the form of the source language in the target language, but always keeps the function or the meaning of the source language.

Key words: Transitivity Analysis, Circumstance, Translation, Translation Technique, Translation Qualit