

Analysis of the Translation of Refusal Strategies in Relation to Translation Techniques and Qualities in the Beautiful Malice Novel from English into Indonesian

Oleh :
Wyut Yee Soe - S131608017 - Sekolah Pascasarjana

This study is about the analysis of English refusal strategies and their translation techniques and qualities in Indonesian as found in the novel entitled „Kekejian Yang Indah?. The aims of the study are to find out the types of refusal strategies  in  the  original  novel  and  to  identify  the  translation  techniques  and qualities applied by the translator to translate the refusal strategies into Indonesian. It was descriptive qualitative method with embedded case study. The data were obtained through content analysis and focus group discussion. They were then analyzed into domain, taxonomy and componential analysis to formulate cultural theme. The result shows that there are 91 data of refusal strategies. There are 67 data of direct refusal strategies and 24 data of indirect refusal strategies. From those, there are sub-categories as two types of direct refusal strategies and six types of indirect refusal strategies. The writer uses indirect and direct refusal strategy in which indirect one is mostly used. Besides,the translator transfers those refusal strategies by using the frequency of established equivalent 184 data (56.44%), variation 35 data (10.74%), modulation 30 data (9.20), explicitation 29 data (8.90), implicitation 14 data (4.29%), pure borrowing 9 data (2.76%), addition 9 data (2.76%), reduction 7 data (2.15%), deletion 4 data (1.23%), Transposition 2 data (0.61%), paraphrase 2 data (0.61%) and adaptation 1 data (0.31%) in which established equivalent is most frequently used and the least one is adaptation. By using those techniques, the study indicates that translation quality is very good. They are 2.8 of accuracy and 2.9 of acceptability and readability. Besides, the translation quality average of indirect refusal is 2.92 and the direct refusal is 2.82, thus indirect refusal is better than the direct refusal.