
Translating Document of Kris from Indonesian into English at Radyapustaka Museum

Oleh :
Dianira Kusumo Astuti - C9313023 - Fak. Ilmu Budaya

This report was written based on the internship program at Radyapustaka Museum from February 2th, 2016 until March 12th, 2016. The objective of this report was to explain the process of translating document of Kris at Radyapustaka Museum.
During translating, I applied 3 steps of translation, namely analyzing, transferring, and restructuring. When translating the documents, I faced some problems such as problem in translating unfamiliar words and terms, choosing correct dictions, and writing sentences with correct grammar. To solve the problems, I used dictionaries and books to find some references or discussed it with my friends, supervisor, or lecturer to check my translation.