
The Quality Of Spoken English Performed By The Students Of The International Program In Smp Kristen Kalam Kudus Surakarta (A Psycholinguistics Approach)

Oleh :
Kinanthi Nastiti - C0308010 - Fak. Ilmu Budaya


This research analyzed the quality of spoken English performed by the Students through their story-telling activity based on psycholinguistics approach, seen from the production of sentences, the grammatical quality and the lexical categories quality.
This research involved the third grade students of the International Program in SMP Kristen Kalam Kudus Surakarta in academic year 2014. It was held in October 2014. This was descriptive research which deals with natural phenomena, using data which are collected first hand during the observation. This method refers to formulate the conclusion by collecting, classifying, and interpreting the data of the research.
The data in this research are the stories told by the students. The data sources are from story books which were given to the students before they performed the storytelling. The students were expected to construct the story in narrative genre. The tenses in use could be simple present tense or simple past tense.
The results of the data analysis show that there are two types of sentences produced by the students; they are the complete sentences and the incomplete sentences. The production of the complete sentence is higher than the production of incomplete sentence. And in producing the sentences, there can be found some errors in the grammatical qualities; such as the inconsistencies of the tenses, the agreements of subjects and verbs, and the plurality. Moreover, there can be found from the data analysis that there are also some errors in the word choice of the nouns and the verbs dealing with the quality of lexical categories.