

Improving Students’ Writing Skill Using Four Square Writing Method (A Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade of SMA PPMI Assalaam Sukoharjo in the Academic Year 2015/2016)

Oleh :
Kireina Inung Wardhani - K2211049 - Sekolah Pascasarjana


The objective of this research is to identify: 1) whether the use of Four Square Writing Method (FSWM) in teaching writing can improve the students’ writing skill; 2) whether the use of Four Square Writing Method can improve the class situation; 3) the strengths and the weaknesses of teaching writing using Four Square Writing Method.
    The method used in this research is a classroom action research which was conducted in two cycles at the eleventh grade of SMA PPMI Assalaam Sukoharjo from August 2015 to January 2016, in which in the first cycle there were 4 meetings and in the second cycle there were 4 meetings. Each cycle consisted of four steps: planning, acting, observing and reflecting. The research data were collected by using interview, document analysis, researcher’s diaries and tests. The qualitative data were analyzed through assembling the data, coding the data, comparing the data, building interpretations and reporting the outcomes. The quantitative data were analyzed by comparing the mean of the pre-test and the post-test.
The findings of the research show that Four Square Writing Method could improve students’ writing skill and classroom situation of writing class. The improvement of students’ writing skill includes: 1) By implementing Four Square Writing Method, the students could write narrative text and report text in good ideas, organization, appropriate vocabulary, appropriate grammar and mechanics; 2) The mean score of the students improved from the pre-test 65.2 to 74.2 in the first post-test and in the second post-test was 85.7. The improvement of class situation of writing class were: 1) The students ask appropriate questions; 2) The class run smoothly with minimum trouble; 3) The students submit assignments on time; 4) The students who help classmates whenever possible; 5)  The students’ respect to the teacher. The strengths of using FSWM in teaching writing are: 1) The students were easier in developing their ideas; 2) The students were more active and enthusiast in joining writing class. The weaknesses of using this method in teaching writing are: 1) Teaching learning process take much more time; 2) It needs a long process to make writing because it has a lot of steps.

Keywords : writing skill, four square writing method, action research