
An Analysis Of Translation Techniques And Quality Of Degree Of Comparison In Comic Series Entitled Asterix And Obelix

Oleh :
Aris Edo Riyandhika - C0312012 - Fak. Ilmu Budaya

This research is conducted by analyzing the translation of degree of comparison in the comic series entitled Asterix and Obelix. The purposes of this research are to find out the translation techniques used by the translator in translating the three types of degree of comparison and to describe the impact of the translation techniques used by the translator to the quality of the translation in terms of accuracy and acceptability.
This is a descriptive-qualitative research. The data are words and phrases containing degree of comparison and the translation quality assessment assessed by the raters. There are 190 data of degree of comparison which are divided into three types  of degree of comparison.  Those  are positive degree,  comparative degree, and superlative degree. The data source is the comic series entitled Asterix and  Obelix,  its  translation  in  Bahasa  Indonesia  and  raters.  The  purposive sampling technique is applied to choose the informants.
The research findings show that the most type of degree of comparison
found in the research is comparative degree in 101 data, followed by superlative degree in 66 data, and positive degree in 23 data.  In this research, translator uses eight translation techniques in translating data containing types of degree of comparison  in  the  comic  series  Asterix  and  Obelix.  The  eight  translation techniques applied by the translator are modulation, established equivalence, reduction, deletion, transposition, discursive creation, couplet, and amplification. The most technique used by the translator is modulation technique used 140 times in this research.
The translation quality analysis in term of accuracy in the comic series Asterix and Obelix shows that 68 data are categorized as accurate translation, 107 data are categorized as less accurate translation, and 15 data are categorized as inaccurate translation. Then, the analysis on the acceptability of translation of degree of comparison in the comic series Asterix and Obelix shows that 154 data are classified as acceptable translation, 25 data are classified as less acceptable translation, and 11 data are classified as unacceptable translation.
Established equivalent, reduction, and transposition techniques are the translation techniques producing translations with high level of quality in terms of accuracy and acceptability. Deletion is the technique producing translation with low level of quality in terms of accuracy and acceptability