
The Profile Of Good English Teacher From Students’ Perspectives (A Qualitative Study in One of Senior High School in Karanganyar Academic Year 2015/2016)

Oleh :
Hestu Pratiwi Suseno - K2210034 - Fak. KIP


The objectives of this study are (1) to identify the characteristics of good English teacher from students’ perspectives; and (2) to describe what extent those perspectives affect students’ learning motivation.
This research was qualitative study. The subject was six students in one of SMA Negeri in Karanganyar. The data were taken via in-depth interview and non- participant observation. The finding showed that (1) the characteristics of good English teacher are having competencies: (a) pedagogical competency of good English teacher from students’ perspectives: doing classroom procedure, giving instruction in english, using advanced devices, using authentic material, switching language; (b) personal competency of good English teacher from students’ perspectives: physically interesting, friendly, discipline; (c) social competency of good  English  teacher  from  students’  perspectives:  encouraging  motivation, tolerate students’ using of Javanese language and Indonesian language, living up the classroom atmosphere, and motivating; (d) professional competency of good English teacher from students’ perspectives: giving clear understanding, giving clues, and preparing the lesson;  (2) effect of the teacher’s profile: (a) students’ learning motivation, and (b) students learning quality.
From the result of the research, it is concluded that teachers’ occupied with some features in accordance with students’ perspectives increase students’ learning motivation. It affects students’ learning quality.

Keywords:  profile  of  good  English  teacher,  students’  learning  motivation, learning quality