
A Study Of Correlation Between Participation In Informal English Activities, Vocabulary Mastery, And Reading Comprehension Of The Eleventh Grade At Sma N Gondangrejo In The Academic Year 2015/2016

Oleh :
Irfan Setiawan - K2209045 - Fak. KIP



This thesis is aimed to find out the correlation between (1) students’ participation   in   informal   English   activities   and   reading   comprehension;   (2) vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension (3) students’ participation in informal English activities and vocabulary mastery toward reading comprehension.

The research was carried out in SMA Negeri Gondangrejo, Karanganyar. The population of the study is eleventh grade of SMA Negeri 1 Gondangrejo in the academic year 2015/2016. By using cluster random sampling technique, the writer takes XI IPS 1 as the sample which consists 32 students. To collect the data, the writer uses questionnaire and test. The questionnaire is used to collect the data of students’ participation while the test is used to collec the data of vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension. The techniques which are used in analyzing the data are Simple Correlation and Multiple Regression Correlation.

The result of study shows that in the level of significance a = 0.05 it is found that  (1)  there  is  positive  correlation  between  students’  participation  in  informal English activities and reading comprehension (rx1y  = 0.66 to  = 4.812> tt  = 1.70; (2) there   is   a   positive   correlation   between   vocabulary   mastery   and   reading comprehension  (rx2y   =  0.687,  to   =  5.18  >  tt   =  1.70,  and  (3)  there  is  a  positive correlation between students’ participation in informal English activities and vocabulary mastery toward reading comprehension (ry12  = 0.743 and Fo = 17.8903 > Ft   3.32).  From  the  results is also  known  that  students’  participation  in  informal English activities gives 24.49 %, vocabulary mastery gives 30.75?fective contribution to reading comprehension. While simultaneously the students’ participation in informal English activities and vocabulary mastery gives  55.23?fective contribution to the their reading comprehension. It means the increase of the students’ participation in informal English activities and vocabulary mastery will be followed by the increase of reading comprehension.

From the result, it is known that students’ participation in informal English
activities and vocabulary mastery that can influence in reading comprehension.

Keywords: students’ participation, vocabulary mastery, reading comprehension.