

An Analysis of Translation Technique And Quality of Exocentric Compound Words in Novel Entitled Bared to You By Sylvia Day

Oleh :
Oksan Prasetyo Aji - C0312050 - Sekolah Pascasarjana


This  research  focuses  on  analyzing  exocentric   compound words translation found in novel Bared to You. This research aims to know the translation techniques applied to translate exocentric compound words found in the novel Bared to You, and to find out the impact of the translation techniques used to the translation quality in terms of accuracy and acceptability.
This research was conducted by employing descriptive qualitative method. The data are exocentric compound words. There are 128 data of exocentric compound words. The other data are translation  qualit y  assessment.  The  data  source  are  novel  entitled Bared to You and its translation in Indonesian, and also three raters who  were demanded  to give score  and comments  about translation quality. Purposive sampling technique was used to choose the proper raters.
The  result  of  the  data  analysis  shows  that  there  are  11 translation techniques used by the translator to translate the exocentric compound words. The translation techniques are 1) established equivalent;  (2)  generalization;  (3)  reduction;  (4)  amplification;  (5) pure borrowing; (6) established equivalent and amplification (explicitation);  (7) description;  (8) adaptation;  (9) modulation;  (10) particularization;  (11) pure borrowing  and  amplification (explicitation). The result of translation quality assessment shows that that  there  are  116  (90.62%)  accurate  translation,  9  (5.47%)  less accurate translation, and 5 (3.91%) inaccurate. The analysis of acceptability of the data shows that there are 122 (95.31%) acceptable translation, 5 (3.91%) less acceptable translation and 1 (0.78%) unacceptable translation.
The translation technique that results high degree of accuracy and  acceptability  is established  equivalent,  since  established equivalent uses the equivalence which is already listed in dictionary and known by target reader. Thus, it is suggested  to use established equivalent technique in translating exocentric compound words.

Keywords :  exocentric   compound   words,  translation techniques, translation quality, accuracy, acceptability