

Analyzing Communicative Competence in Esp Syllabus for Nursing Department: a Content Analysis

Oleh :
Puput Jianggimahastu Larastika Suryanto - S891502016 - Sekolah Pascasarjana


Along with the establishment of Asean Economic Community in 2015, opportunities to work abroad as health workers especially as nurses are wide- open in some countries. But, the recent condition shows that most Indonesian nursing graduates students lack in knowledge and competency of English as the key to  enter  international  world.  That  problem  is  related  to  the  quality  of nursing education including the curriculum and all aspects needed (subject, syllabus & materials). Due to those problems, this study was conducted with the aims to analyze to what extent the ESP syllabuses designed for Nursing Department meet the communicative syllabus criteria & communicative competence criteria.
The study was carried out at one health education institution in Madiun. The  study  was  designed  as  qualitative  content  analysis  study.  Document analysis & personal interview were the data collection techniques. Checklist item was constructed to analyze the syllabuses. ESP syllabuses for Nursing Department consist of 4 syllabuses; Bahasa Inggris syllabus, Nursing English
1, 2 & 3.
The analysis result showed that the syllabuses have sufficiently fulfilled the criteria of communicative syllabus in terms of; syllabus type, language content dimensions, process dimensions (organization, teacher’s and learner’s role, and activities & task) and product dimensions. However, there were also found insufficient aspect in terms of organization and teacher’s role. The syllabuses had fulfilled communicative competence criteria including five competences; discourse competence, linguistic competence, actional competence,  socio  cultural  competence,  and  strategic  competence. Nevertheless,   strategic   competence   was   less   provided   in   the   syllabus. Hopefully,  the  result  of  this  study  can  provide  an  insight  in  designing  a syllabus.

Keywords :   communicative   competence,   communicative   syllabus,   content analysis, ESP, syllabus analysis