

An Analysis of Translation Techniques and Translation Quality of to-Infinitive After Verbs in The Novel Entitled Divergent by Veronica Roth

Oleh :
Dhimas Agung Wicaksono - C0312018 - Sekolah Pascasarjana


This research focuses on analyzing translation techniques applied in translating to-infinitive after verbs in the novel entitled Divergent and their impact on translation quality in terms of accuracy and acceptability. The purposes of this research are: 1) to find out the techniques used by translator in translating to-infinitive after verbs found in the novel entitled Divergent; and 2) to find out the impact of the techniques used in translating to-infinitive after verbs in terms of accuracy and acceptability.
This research is descriptive-qualitive research by applying purposive sampling technique. The data were the linguistics unit in the form of to-infinitive phrases. There are 369 data of to-infinitive after verbs. The data source of this research consists of the novel entitled Divergent by Veronica Roth and its translation. The other data were taken from the translation quality assessment done by three raters. All of informants were chosen by using purposive sampling technique.
The translation technique analysis shows that there are 3 single techniques applied by translator in translating to-infinitive constructions. The techniques are: established equivalent (227 data), reduction (5 data), and modulation (1 datum). Moreover, the translator also applies multiple techniques. There are 16 combinations of two translation techniques, 14 combination of three translation techniques, and one combination of four translation techniques found in this research.
The research findings indicate that the technique which produces high level of accuracy is established equivalent. It is due to the fact that words and expressions used by translator are recognized in dictionary. The combination of established equivalent and amplification also produce high level of accuracy. It happens because that combination is useful to translate to-infinitive phrases containing idiomatic expression. Meanwhile, the combinations of translation techniques which contain reduction, discursive creation or generalization decrease the level of accuracy. On the other hand, the techniques which produce translations with high level of acceptability are established equivalent and the combination of established equivalent and particularization. It happens because the words or expressions used by the translator are more specific and familiar to the target readers and also appropriate with the rules of target language. Moreover, the techniques which produce translations with low level of acceptability are the combinations of translation techniques which contain reduction or generalization.   

Keywords : to-infinitive after verbs, translation technique, translation quality, accuracy, acceptability