

An Analysis of Adaptation Translation Technique in Children Book Series Entitled Good and Bad

Oleh :
Herdian Rosa Kartika Buana - C0311020 - Sekolah Pascasarjana


The purposes of this study are to find out kinds of terms translated using adaptation technique found in Good and Bad children book series and to describe the impact of adaptation technique used to the accuracy and the acceptability of the translation.
This study is a descriptive qualitative research, which means that the research does not propose a hypothesis and the data are in the form of qualitative data. The study uses inductive analysis and case study research. All 77 data are terms translated using adaptation technique taken from the book Good and Bad and its translation. This study uses questionnaire and interview to assess the accuracy and acceptability.
The analysis result shows that there are two kinds of terms found, namely proper names 64 data (82%) and cultural terms 13 data (17,94%). Proper names are divided into 33 data female name, 24 data male name, 2 data place name, 5 data item names. Cultural terms are divided into 2 data ecology, 7 data material culture, 3 data
activities and 1 data concept.
From the thorough translation quality assessment, it can be concluded that most of the translation is inaccurate. Although most of the translation is inaccurate, the acceptability assessment presents that all the entire data are acceptable.

Keywords : adaptation technique, translation, children literature