

Hegemoni Antar Tokoh Dan Nilai Pendidikan Karakter Dalam Novel Bekisar Merah Karya Ahmad Tohari Serta Relevansinya Dengan Pembelajaran Sastra Di Perguruan Tinggi

Oleh :
Rangga Agnibaya - S841508021 - Sekolah Pascasarjana

The research entitled "Hegemony Among Charactersl and Value of Character Education in Bekisar Merah NovelBy Ahmad Tohari and its Relevance With Literature Learning In Higher Education" This aims to know the characteristics  and  interactions  that  occur  between  the  characters,  especially related  to  the  interaction  resulting  in  the  emergence  of  social  inequality.  In addition, the research will also discuss the value of character education contained in the novel Bekisar Merah and its relevance in learning literature in college.
This research uses descriptive and interpretative qualitative research methods as well as  Gramscian hegemony theory,  this research would  like to analyze and review how the pattern of relationship between the characters in the novel Bekisar Merah. Sampling used in this research use purposive sampling technique to get the data according to problem formulation.
From the results of analysis and reviews that have been done known that each character in the novel has the characteristics and identity of a unique and unique. In addition to this, it is known that some figures have hegemonic power against other figures. Some values of character education are also contained in the Bekisar Merah novel, which is hard work, responsibility, religious, and mutual help. This research and the novel Bekisar Merah also have relevance to the study of literature in universities, especially with subjects of Study and Appreciation of Prose Fiction as well as the Literary Critics college dimension