

The Effectiveness of Soundcloud And Picture Series As Media in Teaching Speaking Skill in Terms of Students’ Creativity (A Quasi Experimental Study at the Tenth Grade of SMA Negeri 1 Ngawi in the Academic Year 2016/2017)

Oleh :
Tiara Dyah Andriani - S891508047 - Sekolah Pascasarjana


This research aims to find out whether: (1) SoundCloud application is more effective than  picture  series  to  teach  speaking;  (2)  The  students  with  high  creativity have  better speaking skill than those having low creativity; and (3) There is an interaction between teaching media and students’ creativity in teaching speaking
This experimental study was conducted at the tenth grade class of SMA N 1 ngawi in the academic year 2016/2017. There were 60 students, consisting of 2 classes. The sample was two classe,  namely experimental class who was taught using SoundCloud application and control class who was taught using picture series. To get the sample, a cluster random sampling technique was used. Each class consists of   two groups of students having high creativity and those having low creativity. To gain the data, two instruments were used namely speaking test to find out the score of students’ speaking and creativity test to find out the level of students’ creativity. The data were, then, analyzed by using Multifactor Analysis of Variance ANOVA 2x2 and Tukey test. Before conducting the ANOVA test, pre-requisite test namely normality and homogeneity test were conducted.
There are some reseach findings that can be taken: (1) SoundCloud application is more effective than picture series to teach speaking; (2) The students with high creativity have better speaking skill than those having low creativity; and (3) There is an interaction between teaching media and students’ creativity in teaching speaking. Based on the results of this research, SoundCloud application is an effective media in teaching speaking to the tenth grade students of SMA N 1 Ngawi. However, to support the using of SoundCloud in teaching learning activities, a school must provide fast internet connection. The teachers must capable in using and operating internet or social media, too.

Keywords : SoundCloud Application, picture series, speaking skill, creativity, experimental study