

Improving Students’ Writing Skill by Using Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM) (A Classroom Action Research at the Eighth Grade Students of SMP Negeri 1 Kebakkramat in the Academic Year of 2015/2016)

Oleh :
Nurul Luthfitsani Sholikhah - K2211066 - Sekolah Pascasarjana


Most of eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Kebakkramat in the academic year of 2015/2016 had problems in writing skill. It is because they had no ideas what they had to write. They also had problems in organizing the text, using appropriate vocabulary, generating grammatically correct sentences, and using appropriate mechanics. To overcome the problems, the researcher designed an action research to teach writing skill by using Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM). The purpose of the research is to investigate whether or not PWIM can improve the students’ writing skill and class situation.
The action research was conducted in two cycles. Each cycle consisted of four steps: planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The research data were collected using qualitative data collection which consisted of (1) interview, (2) questionnaires, (3) field notes, and (4) photographs and quantitative technique which consisted of the writing tests (pre-test and post-test). To analyze the qualitative data, the researcher used processes of analysis which consists of assembling, coding, comparing the data, building interpretations, and reporting the outcomes. The quantitative data were analyzed by comparing the mean scores of pre-test and post-test.
The result of the research shows that PWIM could improve: (1) the students’ writing skill. The students could develop their ideas better. They could also make a well-organized text. Then, the students used appropriate vocabularies in their writing. They could construct the sentences using the correct grammar. Their mechanics had also been improved. The improvements of the mean scores showed that there was an improvement on the students’ writing skill. (2) the class situation. It is shown by their active participation during teaching learning process. They pay attention to the teacher’s explanation. They are also brave to ask their difficulties. 

Keywords : writing skill, picture word inductive model, classroom action research