

Buzzer Twitter pada Publikasi Organisasi Pemerintah (Studi Analisis Isi Asosiasi antara Topik Tweet, Tujuan Tweet, Desain Penyusunan Pesan, dan Feedback Akun Buzzer Twitter Kementerian Keuangan)

Oleh :
Dianita Wahyuningtyas - S231508027 - Sekolah Pascasarjana


Twitter emerges as a social media with varied easeness and also interesting features for interactive communication to be occurred between the users. The phenomena in Indonesia, even governmental organizations have been actively utilize twitter as a publication strategy media, unexceptionally the Ministry of Finance. Recent communication strategy of the Ministry of Finance which has not been implemented in other governmental organizations is buzzer twitter utility in publication program, which utilizing the high potential on employee amount active in their personal twitter account. This research is conducted to know how does buzzer account tweet content of the Ministry of Finance seen from aspects of topics, objective, messages structure design, followers feedback, and reply content direction standpoints.
The underlying theories on message structure design is Message Design Logic by Barbara O'Keefe who believe that individual use different logics in deciding things to be conveyed to others in a certain situation. The message logics includes expressive, conventional and rhetorics. In tweet topic category, the study refers to hastag analysis (#) being used in Ministry of Finance twitter (@KemenkeuRI) on which than modified in seven categories i.e. public budgeting; public income; public assett; public debt; government economic policy; education and training of finance; and financial monitoring and secretariat. While for tweet objectives category being used is adopted from research by Golbeck et al., 2010; Sobaci & Karkin, 2013; Renz & Sullivan, 2013; Suryanto, 2015; Mahajan et al., 2016 which then modified into four categories i.e. information, news and education sharing; activities and locations; messages, views and public opinion; and participational promotion.
This research uses mix methods research with explanatory sequential mixed methods approach that is quantitative research in first phase, then continued qualitative research in the second phase. In quantitative research, it uses content analysis method to describe in detail about a message or text. Then case study method use in qualitative research to convey an illustration of a case in more detail and deeper. The research was implemented in Buzzer post account of Ministry of Finance of 962 tweets posted from August 4th , 2015 to November 23rd , 2016.
The research results showed that Buzzer of Ministry of Finance had most actively used twitter for public budgeting topic with the objective is for information, news and education sharing through the use of rhetorical messages structure design. From tweet posts, the Ministry of Finance Buzzer had received large amount of feedbacks directed on positive-valued reply contents. This research also found several other factors that influence the design variation of messaging besides the influence factor on Barbara O'Keefe's premise, among other characteristics of topic, analysis followers, capacity or understanding of content, analysis feedback followers, and the competence of communicator in processing the message. This is a special finding that is able to expand O'Keefe's theory of message design logic.

Keywords : Twitter, Buzzer, Social Media, Message Structuring Design