
Long Live My Family (Film Dokumenter tentang Potret Hubungan yang Terjalin antara Kamtis Family dan Endank Soekamti)

Oleh :
Suri Pandamsih - D0212097 - Fak. ISIP


Music is a media that having role in forming self identity. It is because music  is  media  that  consists  of  variety  symbols  inside  it.  Forming  the  self identity of a fans is formed by understanding the symbols that represented by the musicians which is understood a long with interaction among fans.  
Kamtis Family is loyal fans from a band from Jogjakarta called Endank Soekamti. Kamtis Family is a music fans that classified as a big fan in Indonesia. Inside of  Endank Soekamti’s music culture,  there are characteristics of their own. As well as Kamtis Family who have a unique culture that different from another music fans in Indonesia. Apart from television exposure, Endank Soekamti is a music group that closer their selves to their fans through media social. It triggers Kamtis Family to feel intimately close to Endank Soekamti.  
However, the parasocial relationship instead formed Kamtis Family as cohesive fans that always support Endank Soekamti in any condition. This is what we always see as cohesiveness that emerge between Endank Soekamti and  Kamtis  Family,  together  shouting  out  their  slogan  “LONG  LIVE  MY FAMILY”.

Keywords : Endank Soekamti, Kamtis Family, Music. Parasocial Interaction