
Translating tourism brochure and Malang Menyapa Website’s Contents in Malang City

Oleh :
Bela Eko Sri Suyati - B3116013 - Fak. Ilmu Budaya

This report is written based on the internship program in Department of Cultural and Tourism in Malang City from 21th January - 21th February 2019. The purposes of this report are to explain the activities during the internship program and the obstacles also the solution faced by the writer during the internship program. The projects of this program are (1) translating Malang City brochure and (2) translating Malang Menyapa Website’s Contents. Further, there are three steps done by the writer in order to complete the projects. They are discussing the projects with the supervisor, translating tourism brochure, and translating Malang Menyapa website’s contents. I also found some problems during the internship activities, such as having lack of vocabulary, translating description of the food, and choosing suitable diction. The solutions in order to overcome the problems are (1) reading international journal or proceeding on internet; (2) searching parallel texts; (3) looking for the synonym of the words and rechecking some words that have been used in the internet. Keywords: Department of Tourism, Translating Brochure, Translating website contents, Malang City.