

Beb-based gamification: an analysis of online assessment employed in efl classroom (a case study at IAIN Surakarta in the 2017/2018 academic year)

Oleh :
Muhammad Dafit Pitoyo - S91702020 - Sekolah Pascasarjana

The objectives of this study are: (1) To describe the implementation of gamification based-assessment; (2) to describe the problems of implementing gamification-based assessment faced by a teacher and students; (3) to describe the problem solving of implementing gamification-based assessment; and (4) to identify the washback effect of gamification-based assessment on students’ learning attitude. The researcher used qualitative research methodology to for this research. The qualitative research design used by the researcher is case study and the place of study is at IAIN Surakarta in the academic year of 2019. The researcher chose one class including one teacher and 27 students for the sources of collecting the data. Then, the researcher conduct observation to gain the concrete situation in the class and deliver some questionnaires to all students in the class and the teacher related to the objectives of the study. Furthermore, the researcher conducted in-depth interview with semi-structured questions to obtain deep information towards the objectives stated beforehand. This is also to corroborate the data of from observation and questionnaires. The technique of data validity used by the researcher is triangulation method and the data analysis technique uses data collection, data condensation, data display, and drawing and verifying conclusion. The analysis on the data shows: (1) the implementation of the Gamification based assessment includes the background of the implementation and the process of implementation of gamification based assessment. The background showed that the teacher wanted to create competitive and engaging assessment as the response to traditional assessment which was not engaging to students. Regarding the process implementation, the researcher divided it into three stages namely planning stage, implementation stage and post-implementation; (2) In implementing gamification based assessment, there were problems faced by a teacher and students and it goes to the lack of device, the poor internet connection, and students lack of Quizizz familiarization; (3) He used support tutorials to make students familiar with the system of Quizizz and he asked university for giving a sufficient facility such as in facilitating devices and good internet connection; and (4) Gamification based assessment provided positive washback effect on students’ learning attitude: affective, cognitive, and behavior aspect. Keywords: Gamification, Assessment, Washback, Quizizz