
The activities of public relation division in information and communication bureau Surakarta city government

Oleh :
Dhona Safuroh - C9304025 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

ABSTRACT 2007. The Activities of Public Relations Division in Information and Communication Bureau Surakarta City Government. English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letter and Fine arts, Sebelas Maret University. This final project report is based on the job training done by the writer on March 2007 in Information and Communication Bureau Surakarta City Government. This institution is Located on Jendral Sudirman Street number 2 Surakarta. The objective of the final project report is to show how the activities of by public relations of Information and Communication Bureau in Surakarta City Government are done. The final project report discuss about the internal and external activities of Public Relations Division in Information and Communication Bureau Surakarta City Government. The techniques used in this final project are interview, observation, library study, collect the data and draw it into conclusion. Approximately, for a hundred hour, I did the job training activities in Public Relations office. In the Public Relations office I was responsible for making press release, making task report, making newspaper clipping, making a speech for the Surakarta’ Mayor, reporting the events. Mean while, the final project report contains of the internal and external activities of Public Relations Division that are making press release, Clipping the news, Reporting the events, making press conference, making billboard and poster, publishing tabloid and leaflet, organizing a seminar and meeting, organizing Public Relations working sessions of SUBOSUKOWONOSRATEN.