
The Implementation Of Blended Learning Through Schoology Application In Survival Speaking Class (A Case Study at English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sebelas Maret University in the Academic Year of 2017/2018)

Oleh :
Citra Dwi Agustina - K2214017 - Fak. KIP

The aims of this research are to know the implementation of blended  learning through  Schoology application to develop students’speaking skill and to find out the impact of blended learning through Schoology on the students’ speaking skill. The data of this case study are collected through questionnaire, interview, observation, and documentation. The sources of data are (1) participants, namely the lecturer and students of survival speaking class, (2) events which are teaching-learning activities and (3) documents namely students’, interview transcript, questionnaire transcript, and observation transcript.  
The techniques used to analyze the data are data reduction, data display, and conclusion. Based on the reseacrh result, there were several problems that happened during the implemtation of blended learning through schoology application in survival speaking class. The result showed that (1) the teacher  has positive perception towards the implementation of blended learning, there are three stages of implementation of blended learning through Schoology; (2) there are five difficulties in implementing blended learning through Schoology application; (3) the benefits in implementing blended learning through Schoology include effective and effecient in time; (4) the implementation of blended learning through Schoology gives positive impacts towards learning process of survival 
speaking class.  
Keywords: Blended Learning, Schoology, Speaking.