
The Enhancement of Students’ Motivation in Learning English Through the Application of Kahoot : a Classroom Action Research at a Public Senior High School

Oleh :
Fernando Chris Hadyanto - K2215023 - Fak. KIP

This research aims to investigate: (1) the current condition of students’ motivation in learning English, (2) the student’s understanding of Kahoot, (3) how can the researcher use Kahoot to enhance students’ motivation in learning English, and (4) how can Kahoot enhance students’ motivation in learning English.

The study used the principle of a classroom action research, and the subjects were 34 students in the tenth-grade of X MIPA 4 of SMA Negeri 3 Surakarta. The data of this study were collected through implementing the action, observation, interview, questionnaire, pre-test, and post-tests. The data were analyzed by using quantitative and qualitative data as proposed by Mile and Hubberman. The findings of the research showed that in the preliminary research, all students have low motivation in learning English and have no background knowledge of what Kahoot is. Moreover, the findings revealed that the researcher used Kahoot as a tool in the learning process. The result of the research showed that the application of Kahoot could enhance students’ motivation in learning English. It can be seen from the increasing result after the action was higher than the result in the preliminary research. It can be formulated as follows: (1) The increasing result of the tests. The mean of the base score (pre-test) was 62.65, and it increased in the post-test 1 became 75.59, and it also increased in the post-test 2 became 86.96. (2) Increasing result of the questionnaire sheet. The mean of the base score was 69.7, and it increased become 97.3. Moreover, the mean score of observation sheet increased in each meeting of the research, as follows: (1) first meeting of cycle I is 2.41; (2) second meeting of cycle I  is 2.58; (3) third meeting of cycle I is 2.75; (4) first meeting of cycle II is 2.83; (5) second meeting of cycle II is 2.92.Students are welcoming the application of Kahoot in the teaching-learning process in the English class because it creates fun and exciting learning activities.

Keywords : students’ motivation, kahoot, classroom action research