
Video Recording As A Tool For Reflective Practice In A Public Speaking Class A Case Study

Oleh :
Dinda Dwi Amelia Megawati - K2215015 - Fak. KIP

In the teacher education context, reflective practice is broadly applied to enable pre-service teachers in evaluating their practices in teaching and learning. In this study, the researcher wanted to investigate how the use of video recording as a tool for reflection supports students to develop their aspects of public speaking and collaborative space and how reflective cycle helps students to develop their aspects of public speaking.

The participants of this research were 13 fifth-semester students of public speaking class in one of universities in Surakarta consisting one male and 12 females within age 19-21 years old. This research is a qualitative study. The data of this research were collected through observations, interviews, and document analysis.

The finding reveals that firstly, the reflection process by viewing video recording not only helped the students in improving their personal development, which in this context is aspects of public speaking but also their collaborative space where the relationship between students and teacher were improved. Second, from doing reflective cycle in the reflection process, the students gained enhancement in their aspects of public speaking that are voice control, body language, content of oral presentation, and effectiveness.
Keywords: Public Speaking, Reflective Practice, Video Recording.