

Sunday at Lucky Plaza: Emerging Identities of Foreign Domestic Workers (The Case of Indonesian and Philippines in Singapore)

Oleh :
Lydia Kanelli Kyvelou Kokkaliari - S701608007 - Sekolah Pascasarjana

Leisure is gaining in significance as a factor of performing one‘s identity. The choices and practices of leisure provide insights of both ?what one does‘ and ?who one is‘. In a cultural studies perspective, this thesis explores the ways in which the intimate and foreign mobile subjectivities inform and stimulate new forms of identities within the realm of leisure choices, drawing from self-narratives of foreign domestic workers (FDW) in Singapore. The main questions are: (1) in which way are the identities of FDW from Indonesia and the Philippines constructed, transformed, and negotiated within the realm of leisure, and (2) which identity formations prevail in correlation to cultural capital, regarded through their choice of spending their rest day at the Lucky Plaza shopping mall. Thesis relies on the spoken word of active agents, focusing on the FDW imagination told through their own stories. It elaborates on five theoretical notions: (1) cultural capital, (2) identity, (3) cultural identity, (4) leisure, and (5) heterotopias. Research focuses on the new transmigrant identities and the subsequent positions they occupy. Primary data is collected through in- depth interviews with five informant and direct observation at Lucky Plaza. Research shows that a new identity of the FDW from Indonesia and the Philippines in Singapore has emerged in the aftermath of their recent acquisitions: a rest day right and negotiation of minimum wages. Furthermore, the ?habitus‘ within which their cultural identities are negotiated is influenced and informed by the cross-bordering processes. Pragmatically speaking, Lucky Plaza has become an alternative venue where FDW are able to be agents for themselves to their own right, thus localizing their agency and cultural identity in heterotopian settings. By inhabiting spaces such as Lucky Plaza, they create their own migration-specific social field, creating networks and both intra- and supra- national alliances. Their similar life chances produce their fragmented and hybrid cultural identities enforcing a distinct sense of self and belonging.