
The Study Of The English Teaching-Learning Process In Inclusive Class Of The Fifth Grade Of Al Firdaus Elementary School Surakarta In Academic Year 2015/2016

Oleh :
Muhamad Abdullah Mubarok - K2211058 - Fak. KIP

Muhamad  Abdullah  Mubarok.  K2211058,  “THE  STUDY  OF  THE  ENGLISH
ACADEMIC  YEAR  2015/2016”.  A  Thesis.  Teacher  Training  and  Education
Faculty, Sebelas Maret University. Surakarta 2016.

The aims of the research are (1) to describe the English teaching-learning process in the fifth  grade of Al  Firdaus Elementary School Surakarta including: planning, implementation, and evaluation; (2) to find out the problems that occurred in implementing inclusion program; and (3) to find out the solution of the problems in implementing inclusion program.

This research is a descriptive qualitative study conducted in April 2016 in Al Firdaus Elementary School Surakarta. The subjects of the research are the English teacher, shadow teachers, and students. Classroom observation, interview, and document analysis are used to collect the data. The data in this research are field note, result of interview, and documents. The validity of the data is important to check the credibility of collected data. Therefore, the researcher used data triangulation that involved collecting data in different times and with different people. Then, the data in this research were analyzed by interactive model of analysis involving reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusion.

The findings of the research show different teaching planning between regular and  special  needs  students  including  curriculum,  syllabi,  and  lesson  plan.  The modified curriculum is applied to special needs students based on their needs and category while KTSP curriculum is applied to regular students, but certain category of special needs students is included in regular student’ needs such as slow learners. Weekly coordination is conducted by shadow teachers and teachers to adapt the material of lesson and the evaluation in the previous and upcoming week. However, English teaching-learning process is still separated between regular and special needs students  in  the  classroom  activity.  Some  problems  are  faced  in  implementing inclusion program such as creating suitable method, handling various characters of special needs students, changing uncooperative parents, improving teachers and shadow teachers competence, having limited space of rooms, and providing current therapy media.

Keywords: case study, English teaching-learning, inclusive class.