
A correlational Study on Grammar Mastery and Writing Apprehension to Writing Performance of Eleventh Grade Students of SMA N 3 Sukoharjo In Academic Year 2015/2016

Oleh :
Suciningsih - K2212068 - Fak. KIP


Suciningsih. THE CORRELATION BETWEEN GRAMMAR MASTERY AND   WRITING   APPREHENSION   TO   WRITING   PERFORMANCE. Thesis,  Surakarta: Teacher  Training  and  Education  Faculty  of  Sebelas  Maret University. January 2017.

The objectives of this research are to find out the correlation between (1) grammar mastery and writing performance; (2) writing apprehension and writing performance; and (3) grammar mastery, writing apprehension, and writing performance. The population was eleventh grade students of SMA N 3 Sukoharjo in the academic year of 2015/2016. Class IPS 5 was taken as the sample using cluster random sampling. The techniques of collecting data were questionnaire and test.The data were analyzed using product moment and multiple linear regression. The findings show that:  (1) there is a significant, positive correlation between grammar mastery and writing performance (rx1y= 0.715 > rtable= 0.361); (2) there is a significant, negative correlation between writing apprehension and writing performance (rx2y= -0.550 > rtable= 0.361); and (3) there is a significant correlation between correlation grammar mastery and writing apprehension simultaneously to writing performance ( =0.589 and  =19.372 >  =3.39). It implies that writing performance is influenced by grammar mastery and writing apprehension.
Keywords: grammar mastery, writing apprehension, writing performance, correlational study.