
Analysis Of Dr. Grimesby Roylott’s Creative Scheme In Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Short Story The Adventure Of The Speckled Band (Psychological Approach)

Oleh :
Dewanto Tri Putra Artanto - C0309021 - Fak. Ilmu Budaya

This  is  a  qualitative  descriptive  research  entitled  Analysis  of  Dr.  Grimesby Roylott’s Creative Scheme in Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Short Story The Adventure of The Speckled Band (Psychological Approach). The researcher chooses this topic because it is interesting to understand the personality of the character in the short story.

Psychological Approach is used in this research. The researcher employs Adler’s theory of personality to find out the motivation of the prime suspect in detective story through  his  creativity  in a  murdering  case.  This  research  uses  the  short  story  “The Adventure of The Speckled Band” as the source of data. The researcher only focuses on the antagonist character to find his true personality. Besides, this research shows that the antagonist has several hidden motives in developing murdering plan.

Creativity is a point used to specify The antagonist personality in developing his criminal actions.