
Video as a Media in Learning English in Exploring Pre-service Teachers’ Cultural Awareness : A Narrative Inquiry

Oleh :
Anisa Khonifah - K2215005 - Fak. KIP

This study is aimed to know how video mediate learning English in exploring pre-service English teachers’ cultural awareness and to explore pre-service English teachers’ level of cultural awareness through video. The participants of this research were 4eight-semester students of pre-service English teacher major in one of universities in Surakarta consisting three male and one female within age 21-22 years old. This research is a qualitative study. The method used in this research is a narrative inquiry. The qualitative data used in this research were collected from observation and interview. The techniques used to analyze the data are thematic analysis which includes repeatedly reading of the data, coding and categorization of the data extracts, and reorganization under thematic headings. The result of this research are video can mediate pre-service English teachers in exploring their cultural awareness. Watching English video also improves pre-service English teachers’ ability in English. Another result showed that the pre-service English teachers’ level of cultural awareness reached the third level of cultural awareness that focuses on the implementation of cultural understanding itself.