
The Implementation of 2013 Curriculum In English Teaching for Vocational High School (A Descriptive Qualitative Research at SMK Negeri 2 Surakarta in Academic Year of 2015/2016)

Oleh :
Pradita Amelia Nugraha Ningtyas - K2211069 - Fak. KIP


Pradita Amelia Nugraha Ningtyas. K2211069. THE IMPLEMENTATION OF
2013 CURRICULUM IN ENGLISH TEACHING FOR VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL (A DESCRIPTIVE QUALITATIVE RESEARCH AT SMK NEGERI 2 SURAKARTA IN ACADEMIC YEAR OF 2015/2016).  Thesis. Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sebelas Maret University Surakarta. June 2016.

In  term  of  English  learning  needs,  Vocational  High  School  (VHS)  and
Senior High School have their own goals to the students. Since the starting of
2013 Curriculum (C13), it had been decided that English learning policies for these schools are same. The significance of this study, therefore, is for analyzing C13 implementation in VHS, specifically about: (1) teachers’ perceptions towards C13, (2) procedure of English teaching-learning process based on C13, (3) teachers’ difficulties in implementing C13, and (4) efforts for overcoming the difficulties. The data were gained from the classroom observations, the interview of teachers and the representatives of X and  XI students’ of SMK  Negeri  2
Surakarta, and documents analysis of C13 syllabus, lesson plans and books. To analyze the data, Miles and Hubermen (1994) model was used.
The findings show: (1) four points considered as teachers’ perceptions of C13 include: the positive view of C13 implementation due to students’ activeness, the  unmatchable  materials  on  Buku  Bahasa  Inggris  2013  (C13  book)  and Scientific  Approach  (SA)  steps  of  syllabus,  the  need  of  continuous  teacher training for curriculum comprehension and evaluation, and teachers’ adjustment of using C13 as they were used SBC such as: learning materials, approach, and students’ role; (2 a) planning teaching includes: C13 syllabus, C13 lesson plan that are developed, learning models are based on the materials’ need, C13 book as main  source  and  worksheet  as  its  additional,  b)  implementating  C13  book, applying SA, applying three C13 assessment aspects including spiritual and attitude, role of teachers and students depends on the teachers respectively, c) the evaluations of unmatchables C13 syllabus and book, less objective of attitude assessment; (3) C13 implementations’ difficulties: a) unmatchables of: basic competences’ sequence in C13 book and syllabus, C13 book for VHS, b) lacks of: time allocation in SA implementation, students’ focus during SA, c) difficulties of: attitude assessement; (4) efforts to overcame: a) teachers’ correction of basic competences’ sequences, b) teachers’ reminders for improving the students’ focus. To conclude, C13 implementation for English in this VHS is based on its policies despite of the unmatchables learning materials. Another efforts are suggested and specifically conveyed in this study for the government.

Keywords: 2013 Curriculum, English teaching, English learning, vocational high school, descriptive study.