

The implementation of phonc method in teaching vocabulary in speaking to visually impaired students of SLB a Surakarta

Oleh :
Intan Aulia Nastiti - S891508017 - Sekolah Pascasarjana

This research aims at describing (1) the implementation of phonic method in teaching vocabulary in speaking to visually impaired students of SLB A Surakarta; (2) the difficulties faced by the students and English teacher in teaching vocabulary in speaking to visually impaired students of SLB A Surakarta; and (3) the solutions proposed by the English teacher to solve the difficulties in teaching vocabulary in speaking to visually impaired students of SLB A Surakarta.
This study was a qualitative research with case study as the research design. Data   was  obtained   through   observation,   interview,   and   document   analysis. Observation was used to collect data from events. Interview was used to collect data from informants. Documentation was used to collect documents. Data in this study was analyzed by using Miles and Huberman model of analysis. It consists of data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing.
The result of this research showed that: (1) teaching documents used in the teaching-learning  process  of  English  to  visually  impaired  students  of  SLB  A Surakarta are curriculum, syllabus, and lesson plan; (2) the problems faced by the students are disturbing sound from outside, spelling words too fast, and using words; and  the  teacher  argues  that  the  allotted  time  was  too  short,  unsuitable  teaching method used to teach sentences, and noisy sound become problems faced by the teacher; and (3) The solutions proposed by the teacher are providing students with Braille printed English textbook, providing students with language laboratory, and using other teaching methods or models to complement phonic method.

Keywords: Visually impaired students, vocabulary teaching, phonic method