The Impact Assessment On Road Pavement Towards Environmental Quality. DISSERTASION, Promotor : Prof. Dr. Ir. Sobriyah, MS., Co-Promotor I: Ir. Ary Setyawan, M.Sc (Eng). Ph.D., Co-Promotor II: Dr. Prabang Setiyono, M.Si., Department of Environmental Science, Post-Graduate Faculty of Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta.Indonesia as one of the developing countries will continue the economic growth. Economic growth will be continued by the transportation need. The need of goods and human mobilization areincrease somust be fulfilled by good and comfortable moda of transportation. The vehicles growthmust befollowed by the growth of road. The effort to build the road that safe, comfortable and strong required good planning, good material and the good process of the construction method.Road constructionprocessinfluences to the environmentalimpact. The environmental impact happened on the construction and operational stages. The analysis of the environmental impact must be done in the planning stage to anticipate the environmental impact as the result of road construction project. The aim of this research to know the influence of the material availabilityratio, the material durabilityratioand emissions ratio from the pavement construction to the environmental quality. The value of environmental quality uses IKLH. The method usesdeskriptif analysis, experimental method, ratio analysis, scooring and regression analysis.Research stage include the data collection of the availability of pavement material, testing the strength of a material pavement both of rigid pavement and flexible pavement, and the calculation of greenhouse gas emissions due to the pavement construction. Then all parameter above will be analyzed to find their relationship pattern withthe environmental quality index(IKLH)so that will be obtained the impact of road pavement construction toward environmental quality index. The value of environmental quality index of Central Java province in 2017is 58.15. The indicator of IKLH used is Indeks Kualitas Udara (IKU)and Indeks Kualitas Tutupan Lahan (IKTL). Both of the indicator above is influenced by the assessment parameter of pavement construction impact. The parameter of pavement construction impact are material availability, material durability, and green house gas emissions. Obtained research get that the most available of aggregate is andesit rock. Data about material avalaibilty get from ESDM Central Java province. Material availabilityratioget by divided amount of material availability with amount of the exploration production, then value of material availability ratio scored. The scoring is done because an interval between minimum value and maximum value too large. Scale of scoring 1 until 10. Each interval get by substraction the maximum with minimum value then itsresults divided by number of range. Then get empirical formula the relationship between material availabilityratiofrom scoring and IKLH,obtained formula is IKLH = 0,7436 SM + 55,259 where SM is material availabilityratio.Construction method analyzed is rigid pavement and flexiblepavement and used parameter ismaterial durability ratio. The parameter for material durability ratio for rigid pavement is compressive strengthratioof concrete and for flexible pavementis Marshall stabilityratio. Compressive strengthratiofor rigid pavement get by divided value of compressive strength with the planned compressive strength. Compressive strengthratioinfluence to IKLH by mathematical formula IKLH = 20,933 TM +36,012 where TM is compressive strengthratio. Marshall stabilityratio for flexible pavement get by divided value of marshall stability test with the planned Marshall stability. Marshall stability ratio also influenced to IKLH by mathematical formula IKLH = 16,112TM + 39,274 where TM is marshall stabilityratio.Emissionsratioin pavement construction work is one parameter that influence to IKLH. Emissionsratio get by divide emissions valuewith CO2 absorbtion of green open space. Amount of emission calvulated by IPCC formula orconversion method. CO2absorbtion get by multiplication of CO2absorbtion coefficient with green open space where CO2absorbtion coefficient is 129.92. Emission ratio for rigid pavement influence to IKLH by mathematical formula IKLH = -15,33 EM + 63,337, and for flexible pavement IKLH = -6,8548 EM+ 62,694 where EM is emission ratio.Relationship between independent variable (material availability ratio, material durability ratio and emissions ratio) with IKLH as dependent variable was analyzed by multiple linear regression analysis. Analysis was done by using statistic software SPSSversion 10. From regression analysis get empirical formulaof environmental impact assessmentfor rigid pavement is IKLH = 0,444 SM + 9.177 TM–10,715 EM + 50,353 and for flexible pavement is IKLH = 0,416SM + 8,781TM–4,231EM + 49,047. From above formula known that environmental quality influenced by material availabilityratio, material durability ratioand emissionsratio. The increasing of material availabilityratioand material durabilityratiol will be increase the environmental qualityindex, but the increasing of emissionsratiowill be decrease the environmental qualityindex. Then from the elatisity and correlation test show the material durability ratio is the most influence parameter towards IKLH. Keywords: IKLH, Material AvailabilityRatio, Material DurabilityRatio, Emissions Ratio