
Enhancing Students’ Motivation In Reading By Using Peer Tutoring (A Classroom Action Research at Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 1 Jaten in Academic Year 2015/2016)

Oleh :
Setyawan Budi Nugroho - K2211082 - Fak. KIP


Setyawan Budi Nugroho, K2211082. Enhancing The Students’ Motivation in Reading by Using Peer Tutoring (Classroom Action Research in The Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 1 Jaten, Karanganyar in Academic Year 2015/2016). Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta

The objective of the study is to know whether or not peer tutoring method can enhance students’ motivation in reading. Moreover, this research is also aimed to find out how peer tutoring method enhance the eighth grade students’ motivation in reading.

In the research, the researcher uses a classroom action research. The method which is used in the research is peer tutoring method. The procedure of the research consists of identifying the problems, planning the action, implementing the action, observing  the action,  reflecting  the action  and  revising plan.  The research  is conducted in two cycles. Each cycles consists of four meetings. In collecting the data, the researcher uses qualitative and quantitative method. The qualitative data is collected from observation, field note and photograph. The quantitative data is collected from the questionnaire and the test.

Enhancing the students’ motivation is influenced by many indicators of motivation. There are motivation’s indicators based on many theories, 1) Psychological Aspect (Willingness, Excitement, High aspiration and Enthusiasm),
2) Goal Oriented (Direction, Goal orientation, Goal directed behavior and Need of achievement), and 3) Behavior (persistence and perseverance).

The result of the research shows peer tutoring method enhance the students’ motivation in reading. It can be seen from each indicators improved. In the psychological aspects, the students’ willingness and excitement in reading text have improved. This improvement influence the others indicators, the goal oriented and behavior. The students realize the importance of reading. The students are also being active in reading text. The method also influences the students’ achievement. The mean score before the research was 6.6 and after the research, became 7.5. The improvement of students score was 1.2 point.

At the end of the research, the researcher gives suggestions for English teachers. The first one, peer tutoring method can be alternative method in learning English. The second, the teacher should manage the condition of the class which support the learning process.