
Improving students’ organization of ideas in writing through mind map technique (a classroom action research at tenth grade students of SMA N Kebakkramat in the academic year of 2016/2017)

Oleh :
Shoimil Avlakh - K2213067 - Fak. KIP

This research focused on the implementation of Mind Map Technique to improve students’ skill in organization of ideas in writing the X-7 class of SMA N Kebakkramat. The objectives of this classroom action research were, (1) to find out the  necessary condition  for the effective  implementation of mind  map  in improving students’ organization of ideas in writing, (2) and to find out to what extent mind map technique can improve students’ organization of ideas in writing.

There were two cycles in this research and each cycle consists of four steps, namely planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The participants of this research were the tenth grade students of SMA N Kebakkramat which consist of
36 students. The data were in the form of quant itative and qualitative data. The quantitative data were collected from students’ score of the result during pre-test, post-test 1, and post-test 2. Meanwhile the qualitative data were collected from the observation during the research and  interview which conducted both with the students and  the English teacher.  The  next  step  after  collecting  the data was
analyzing the data. The qualitative data was analyzed in five steps there were: (1) assembling  the data, (2)  coding  the data (3) comparing  the data (4)  building interpretation, and (5) reporting the outcomes. For the quantitative data, the writer analyzed the mean scores of the test to compare differences between pre-test and post-test.

The Mind Map Technique would be effective when the teacher fulfilled some conditions namely (1) students should be given clear explanation about the mind map. (2) Students have to know the generic structure of the text in order to make the outline of their writing. (3) Students have to work individually when they  make  the outline  of their  writing.  By  implementing  mind  map  in  those conditions, it will give positive effect to the students. The result of the research also shows that when the conditions are met, the mind map technique improved students’ writing skill. It can be seen from the mean of students’ score in pre-test, post-test 1, and post-test 2. The students’ pre-test mean was 66.2, students’ post- test 1 mean was 73.1, and students’ post-test 2 mean was 81.3.


Keywords: writing, organization of ideas, mind map