
The analysis of translation of collocation in a comic entitled superman sacrifice

Oleh :
Fityan Adib Murtadla - C0314012 - Fak. Ilmu Budaya

This research was conducted  by analyzing  lexical collocation  found  in  a comic entitled Superman Sacrifice and its translated version. The aims of this research are: (1) To figure out the types of collocation found  in comic Superman Sacrifice, (2) To  describe translation techniques applied by translator in translating collocation, (3) To assess the quality of translation of collocation in terms of accuracy and acceptability.

The research belongs to qualitative-descriptive research. The sources of data were document: Superman Sacrifice and its translated version, and informants: raters who assessed the translation quality in terms of accuracy and acceptability. The methods of data collection used by the researcher were content analysis and focus group discussion.

The analysis showes that there are 9 types of translation techniques applied by the translator. They are: 1) established equivalent (47.3%), 2) modulation (21.4%), 3) reduction (9.9%), 4) amplification (7.1%), 5) generalization (5.7%), 6) transposition (4.3%), 7) variation (1.4%), 8) discursive creation (1.4%), 9) borrowing (0.7%).

In this research 105 data of lexical collocation were found and divided into 6 types of lexical collocation. They are 38 lexical collocation (36.2%) as L1 (verb+noun); 52 lexical collocation (49.5%) as L2 (adjective+noun); 2 lexical collocation (1.9%) as L3 (noun+verb); 2 lexical collocation (1.9%) as L4 (noun1+of+noun2); 8 lexical collocation (7.6%) as L5 (adverb+adjective); 3 lexical collocation (2.8%) as L6 (verb+adverb).

The findings indicate that the score of accuracy is 2.84, and the score of acceptability is 2.94. The total score of the translation quality is 2.89 and it is categorized as high-quality translation.

Keywords: Collocation, translation technique, lexical collocation, translation of lexical collocation