
Translating wedding package brochures and menu of ratu ratih restaurant in Sahid Jaya Solo hotel

Oleh :
Lalita Vistara Devi - C9314035 - Fak. Ilmu Budaya

The objectives of this report are to describe (1) the internship activities done by the writer as an intern at Sahid Jaya Solo Hotel for a month from February 20th to March 19th 2017; (2) the steps that the writer did to do the activities, and (3) the problem that the writer met during doing the activities.
    There are two kinds of activities done by the writer, namely: main activities and secondary activities. The main activities the writer did were translating wedding packages brochures and translating menu of Ratu Ratih Restaurant in Sahid Jaya Solo Hotel. In doing the first activity the writer did: some preparations before translating, analyzing the source text, transferring ideas or information, and restructuring. The secondary activities the writer did were making promotion content on social media using English, collecting news of Sahid Jaya Solo Hotel, clipping the news of Sahid Jaya Solo Hotel and clipping news of competitor resume. In translating wedding packages brochures and menu of Ratu Ratih Restaurant, the writer was always careful in selecting word so that it can be understood easily by guests. The strategies the writer did to solve the problems were using dictionary, searching on Google to know the meaning, and asking the Public Relations Manager for discussion