
Guiding tourists and designing booklet for Prambanan tourism

Oleh :
Syaiful Imam - B3116040 - Fak. Ilmu Budaya

This final report was written based on the internship I did on April 25th to May 31th at TWC Prambanan Ltd. I worked from Monday toSaturday, from 09:00 – 17:00. The objectives of this report are to describe the process of guiding tourists in Prambanan and translating booklet. In translating booklet there are three steps that I did, including 1) analyzing source text, 2) transferring messages, and 3) restructuring. I made booklet to provide information for foreign and local tourists. This booklet is available in two languages, Indonesian and English. I faced some problems dealing with the translation of cultural terms. To solve those problems, I tried to find the definition in Oxford online dictionary and Glosbe online dictionary. I searched for some articles and news