
Creating Culinary Booklet and Culinary Web Content at Dinas Pariwisata Surakarta

Oleh :
Nugroho Bekti Husodo - C9314046 - Fak. Ilmu Budaya


The objective of this internship report is to explain the process of creating a booklet and culinary content web at Dinas Pariwisata Surakarta. The process involved some steps. They were finding information, doing the survey, creating culinary text in bahasa Indonesia, translating to English version, finishing and selecting text for booklet and submitting the result to Dinas Pariwisata staff.

There were also some problems during the process of creating culinary booklet and culinary web content.They were translating difficult word meaning, less of survey information and difficulty in finding rare food seller.I did several ways to solve those problems. They were reading references from parallel text and culinary leaflet, doing group disscusion with other group member and using technology of information such as internet and mobile application.