

Developing speaking competence using cooperative learning method (a classroom action research in english education department of Nusantara PGRI Kediri University)

Oleh :
Dewi Kencanawati - S890707004 - Sekolah Pascasarjana

ABSTRAK The objectives of the research is to examine whether or not Cooperative Learning Method (CLM) can develop the speaking competence of the first year students of English Education Department of Nusantara PGRI Kediri University (UNP Kediri). Besides that, the research is aimed to find out how CLM should be carried out effectively in teaching speaking at the first year students of English Education Department of UNP Kediri. The research is also designed to study the involvement of the students when CLM is applied to develop speaking competence of the first year students of UNP Kediri. The last objective of the research is to find out the strengths and weaknesses of CLM when it is applied to teach speaking at the first year students of English Education Department of UNP Kediri. The research was conducted in English Education Department of UNP Kediri located in Mojoroto, Kediri, East Java, from January to December 2008. The subject of the research was the first year students of English Education Department of UNP Kediri, academic year 2007/2008, exactly class 1d—consisting of 37 students—27 female students and 10 male ones. There were two kinds of data in the research—the quantitative data and the qualitative one—which were obtained from the respondent, the event, and the document. The quantitative data were collected by using test and document analysis, while the qualitative data were collected by using observation, interview, questionnaire, and document analysis. The quantitative data were analyzed by using descriptive statistic, while the qualitative data were analyzed by using constant comparative method suggested by Hopkins (1993: 149). The findings proves that the research on developing speaking competence using CLM at the first year students of English Education Department of UNP Kediri is successful viewed from several dimensions. First, CLM can improve the students’ speaking competence. Second, CLM can improve the students’ involvement in learning teaching process. Third, CLM can improve the relationship building. Fourth, CLM can raise the motivation and interest. Fifth, CLM can establish better atmosphere to study. Sixth, CLM can establish the psychological therapy. The research findings of the study imply that CLM is a very appropriate and effective method to develop the students’ speaking competence. Therefore, it is recommended that: (1) other speaking teachers apply CLM to develop the students’ speaking competence; (2) the institution encourages the teacher to apply CLM by providing better appropriate facilities needed in learning teaching process; and (3) other researchers develop some dimensions which have not been developed in this research.