
Pembelajaran sastra yang apresiatif di SMA Surakarta dalam perspektif kurikulum berbasis kompetensi: studi evaluasi

Oleh :
Farida Nugrahani - T1203002 - Sekolah Pascasarjana

ABSTRACT This research uses the framework of Context, Input, Process, and Product (CIPP). In terms of the Context, the research examines the characteristics of learners, teachers, and schools supporting the process of the teaching of appreciative literature. In relation to the Input, the research examines the development of teaching materials and supporting learning facilities, concerning with the Process, the research examines the implementation of teaching and learning activities, while Product examines the achievement of learning outcomes. The aim of this research is to examine how effective the learning objectives are achieved and the effect resulted from the program and policy implementation. This research is also designed to identify the strength and weaknesses of the process of literature teaching in SMA Surakarta, to hope this process could be usefull as foundation to develop suggestion for quality of literature learning process at school where this research have been taken. The Indonesian government launched the 2004 Curriculum. This curriculum has been implemented since academic years 2004/2005. The essence of the curriculum is adopted to develop the 2006 Curriculum which is known as Unit Level Curriculum). Hopefully, the curriculum is supposed to be able to improve the quality of the teaching of literature at schools, which is still not successful. This is a formative evaluation research and it is qualitative in nature. It is classified as a single and embedded case study. The research was conducted at SMA Negeri 1, SMA Negeri 8, SMA Al-Islam 1, and SMA Murni Surakarta from January 2005 to July 2006. The techniques applied to collect the data were document analysis, in-depth interviewing, and participant observation. The credibility of the data was examined using method triangulation, data triangulation and review of key informants. The data, then, was analyzed by an interactive model of analysis suggested by Miles and Huberman. The research finding shows that the process of the teaching of appreciative literature varies. The product also varies. In general, however, the teaching of appreciative literature has achieved the designed objectives of curriculum, that is the students’ competence in appreciating, expressing, and creating literary works. In this case, the condition of the context is more influential for Process than Input that developed. The context here refers to students’ good academic achievement, their positive attitudes, and their good interest in literary works. Besides, the context also refers to teachers who are experienced and those who are serious in implementing the process of teaching and learning in order to achieve objectives. It is admitted, however, that the teachers’ competence in teaching appreciative literature and their creation to develop input need improving. Based on the research finding, it is suggested that (1) the Process should be accompanied by the Context and relevant Input so that the process of teaching and learning in the classroom can run effectively and achieved the designed Product, because naturally there’s no effective strategy that can applied for every Context; (2) The teachers should participate in teacher professional development so that they are able to show a better performance in the teaching of appreciative literature; (3) The teachers should develop student’s interest in literary works so that they can join the class successfully; and (4) the schools need to develop teaching and learning facilities and make condusive environment in order to realize a successful teaching and learning literature.