This research investigates the use of teacher’s written feedback in English classroom at SM P N 16 Surakarta in academic year 201 8 /201 9 and its effect on students writing . It is aimed at (1) describing how teacher’s written feedback are used in English class room; and (2) finding out the effect of the use of teacher’s written feedback on the students’ writing The research which was carried out November 2018 uses qu alitative case study method. The sources of the data were events, informants and documents.
Clas sroom observation, in depth interview and document analysis were used to collect the information related to the use of teacher’s written feedback and its effect on students’ writing in the e ight grade at S MP Negeri 16 Surakarta. The data were analyzed usin g interactive model of qualitative data analysis technique including data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing or verifying.Based on the observation, interview and document analysis, it can be concluded that teacher’s written feedback are able t o improve the students’ writing. Meanwhile, the important aspects also must be considered, they are the sentence construction (dealing with grammar structure, m echanics and vocabulary) since it became the major problem faced by the students.
Key words: Teacher’s written feedback , students’ writing , effect of teacher’s written feedback