

The Effectiveness Of Dyned Courseware To Teach Speaking Viewed From Students’ Creativity (An Experimental Study on the Tenth Grade of MA Al Aqobah Jombang in the Academic Year of 2016/2017)

Oleh :
Sri Nijmatun Mufaroh - S891208047 - Sekolah Pascasarjana


Sri Nijmatun Mufaroh. S891208047. 2017. The Effectiveness of DyNed Courseware to Teach Speaking Viewed from Creativity (An Experimental Study on the Tenth Grade of MA Al Aqobah Jombang in the Academic Year of 2016/2017). A Thesis. First Consultant: Dr. Ngadiso, M.Pd.; Second Consultant: Sumardi, M.Pd. English Education Department, Graduate Program, Sebelas Maret University. 

The objectives of the research were to reveal whether: (1) DyNed Courseware was more effective than Picture series to teach speaking for the tenth grade students of MA Al Aqobah Jombang; (2) Students who had high creativity had better speaking skill than those who had low creativity of the tenth grade students of MA Al Aqobah Jombang; and (3) There was interaction between teaching media and students’ creativity to teach speaking skill for the tenth grade students of MA Al Aqobah Jombang.
This experimental research was conducted in MA Al Aqobah Jombang in the Academic Year 2016/2017. From two classes of ten grade, the researcher took two classes as the sample, namely experimental class which was taught by using DyNed Courseware and control class which was taught by using picture series. To find out the sample, a cluster random sampling was implemented. Each class was divided into two groups in which each consisted of students who have high creativity and those who have low creativity. To gain the data, test and questionnaire were used. Those were speaking test to find out the score of students’ speaking skill and creativity questionnaire to find out the score of students’ creativity. The data were, then, analyzed by using Multifactor Analysis of Variance ANOVA 2x2 and Tukey Test. Before conducting the ANOVA test, pre-requisite test, normality and homogeneity test, were conducted.
There are some research findings which can be taken: (1) DyNed Courseware was more effective than Picture Series to teach speaking skill for the tenth grade students of MA Al Aqobah Jombang; (2) Students who had high creativity have better speaking skill than those who had low creativity of the tenth grade students of MA Al Aqobah Jombang; and (3) There was interaction between teaching media and students’ creativity to teach speaking skill for the tenth grade students of MA Al Aqobah Jombang. 
Based on the results of this research, it implies that DyNed Courseware was an effective media to teach speaking skill for the tenth grade students of MA Al Aqobah Jombang. 

Keywords: DyNed Courseware, picture series, speaking skill, creativity, experimental study