The objectives of the research are: (1) to investigate the implementation of the online test using Schoology, and (2) to know the effect of using Schoology in Structure class.
The research was conducted in Sebelas Maret University, Central Java province from February 2018-October 2018. It is qualitative research in the form of descriptive case study. The subject of the research is the fourth- semester students of English Education Departement taking in Structure class who had been taught by a lecturer.
The data of this thesis were taken from several techniques including observing the events, interviewing the respondents, and analyzing the documents. The technique of analyzing the data were collecting the data, reducing the data, displaying the data, and drawing conclusion.
Based on the result of this research, it can be concluded that the online test using Schoology has been implemented in structure class of English Education Department made the structure teaching-learning process more flexible and effective. Furthermore, the features of Schoology support the quality of the teaching-learning process. In addition, the implementation of online test using Schoology has the effects on the students’ performance in structure class. The positive effects were its simpler implementation of online test using Schoology, triggering the students to actively get into structure course, and improving students’ grammar mastery. However, the negative effects such as on the bad internet connection and the monotonous teaching-learning process.
At the end of the research, the researcher proposes several suggestions to the teachers and other researchers. In general, it seems that, the research finding shows the implementation of online test using Schoology has many positive effects for students and lecturers in the structure teaching-learning process. It can be positive inputs and an encouragement for the English lecturers/teachers to be more creative in designing the learning tasks in which online test is the tool to measure the students’ learning outcome during and after the learning process. It is also a reflective guidance for English lecturer/teacher in university/school especially for those who prefer using the traditional test in assessing the students’ language ability. In addition, further research regarding the role of the implementation of online test using Schoology is strongly recommended. A number of possible future studies using the same experimental set up are apparent.
Keywords: grammar, online test, Schoology, case study