

Pengaruh Psikokuratif terhadap Kadar Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-C, Kortisol, dan Skor Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale pada Pasien Kanker Serviks Stadium Lanjut

Oleh :
Rubin Enhui Tjiang - S581508005 - Sekolah Pascasarjana

Latar belakang : Kanker serviks merupakan  kanker  utama ginekologis, merupakan kanker terbanyak kedua wanita setelah kanker payudara. Diagnosis dan terapi kanker menimbulkan depresi. Psikokuratif berpengaruh pada penurunan kadar VEGF-c, kortisol dan  skor HADS pada pasien kanker serviks stadium lanjut Tujuan : Mengetahui kadar VEGF-c, kadar kortisol dan skor HADS pasien kanker serviks stadium lanjut setelah intervensi psikokuratif Metode : Pretest – posttest controle group design. Sebanyak 30 subyek kanker serviks stadium lanjut, di bagi secara random 15 pasien kelompok perlakuan, dan 15 lainnya kontrol. Perlakuan berupa psikokuratif 4 kali, 1 kali dalam seminggu, durasi 60 menit. Sebelum dan setelah perlakuan, setiap subyek kedua kelompok diperiksa kadar VEGF-c, kortisol dan skor HADS. Data yang diperoleh di analisa dengan uji independent t, Mann Whitney, Pair t dan Wilcoxon  dengan SPSS versi ke-19 untuk Windows.
Hasil : Rerata kadar VEGF-c sebelum perlakuan 9006.53 + 2181.49, setelah perlakuan  5631.20 + 2071.55, dengan uji statistik p<0>Kata kunci : Psikokuratif, VEGF-c, kortisol, Skor HADS, Kanker serviks
Background: Uterine cervical cancer is the second most frequent gynecologic cancer in women after breast cancer. Cancer diagnosis and treatment contribute to the development of depression. Psychocurative intervention gives a positive effect to reduce depression in cancer, decrease cortisol and VEGF-c level in advance stage cervical carcinoma patients. Aims: This studi aims to get the VEGF-c, cortisol level and HADS score in advanced stage cervical cancer patients who get Psychocurative intervention Method: This research is pretest – posttest controle group design. Thirty subjects were checked their VEGF-c level, cortisol level and HADS score. Fifteen subjects as control group, the other received the psychocurative intervention. The meeting was held in 4 times in a month, once a week, 60 minutes each meeting. After the study group finished the psychocurative intervention, all of the subject were re-measured the VEGF-c level, cortisol level and HADS score. The result analyzed by using T-test, Mann Whitney test, Pair t tes and Wilcoxon test with 19th version of SPSS for Windows
Result: VEGF-c level in study group pre intervention (9006.53 + 2181.49), post  intervention (5631.20 + 2071.55), p value < 0>Keywords: Psychocurative, VEGF-c, Cortisol, HADS, Cervical cancer