
Translating Children Story Books form English to Indonesian at Ganesa Library

Oleh :
Novian Bangun Sabila - B3116033 - Fak. Ilmu Budaya

This internship report was written based on the internship activities at Ganesa Library from January 18th, 2019, and finished on February 19th , 2019. The objective of this internship report is to describe the internship activities at Ganesa Library. The main
internship activities at Ganesa Library was translating children story books from English into Indonesian. Additional activities during the internship were teaching English in Ganesa for Kids to Learn English and to Develop, joining Ganesa English Speaking, and
storytelling in Ganesa Telling Story. I translated 13 children story books during the internship at Ganesa Library. There were some steps in the translation process of children story books at Ganesa Library. The steps were analyzing, transferring, editing, printing,
cutting, sticking, and giving labels. The activities I did during Ganesa for Kids to Learn English and Develop was teaching English for children. Ganesa English Speaking activity was discussing and sharing information in English, while Ganesa Telling Story activity
was storytelling for children.