
Creating Video Promotion and English Subtitle to Increase Tourist Interest in the Sangiran Early Man Site

Oleh :
Rizky Abdullah - B3116037 - Fak. Ilmu Budaya

The objective of the report is to describe (1) Activities that I did during the internship program in The Conservation Office of Sangiran Early Man Site (BPSMP i.e. Balai Pelestarian Situs Manusia Purba) from 24 January to 25 February 2019, (2) the obstacles and its solution. The internship projects were making video promotion with English subtitle and making subtitles for official videos. I did some steps in the project production, such as creating storyboard, observing every cluster of Sangiran Site, making video narration, and translate the narration into English. There were also challenges that I faced from the equipment such as the camera, laptop, and applications to the challenges during the translation such as difficult word and phrase and specific term. To solve the translation problems, I used theories, references, parallel texts, and dictionaries.