
Translating Children Story Books in Ganesa Library

Oleh :
Adhi Suprayoga - B3116004 - Fak. Ilmu Budaya

The purpose of this report is to describe about my internship program activities, the problem that I faced, and the solution. I translated fifteen children storybooks. In order to produce good translation, I did three steps in my translating process. The steps are analyzing the source text, transferring the meaning and restructuring. The problems that I faced when translating storybooks were difficult words, onomatopoeia, printing and labelling. I had the solutions for the problem. I looked for the difficult words and onomatopoeia using some dictionaries. I solved printing and labelling problems by asking for some advices to Ganesa Library staff. I also asked for help from my friend who had internship program in the same place with me to revise and gave suggestion for my translations.