

Developing Supplementary Material of Academic Writing Using MOOC as Platform for University Students

Oleh :
Khotimah Mahmudah - S891702017 - Sekolah Pascasarjana

This research aims to: (1) investigate the quality of the existing academic writing materials used at an ‘Academic Writing’ class in one of universities in Surakarta, and (2) develop supplementary materials of academic writing by using MOOC as a platform for University Students at an ‘Academic Writing Class’ in one of Universities in Surakarta.


This research  uses  a framework model of Design-Based Research  (DBR) proposed by an expert. This framework model has four main stages: (1) Problem Analysis Phase which consists of literature review and initial investigation, (2) Solution Development Phase which consists of designing blueprint, prototype draft, and expert validation, and (3) Iterative Refinement or Iterative cycles consisting of explore, refine, and extend, and the last phase is (4) Reflection to produce design principles.


The data of preliminary study showed that the weaknesses of existing materials and the students’ need in academic writing class were considered as a main reason to develop supplementary materials integrated with technology. Regarding to the data, the researcher developed two prototypes: module and MOOC. The prototypes also referred to the lecturer’s lesson plan, sources of authentic materials, and class condition. Then, the prototypes were validated by the two experts. The next step, the researcher tried out the integrated product in iterative cycle. The trials were followed by distributing the questionnaire and conducting the focus group discussion to pursue the feasibility of product.




Keywords: Academic Writing Literacy, MOOC, Online Learning, Supplementary material.