
Creating Bilingual Booklet to Support Tourism in Sangiran

Oleh :
Abda’u Rafi Saputra - B3116002 - Fak. Ilmu Budaya

Abda’u Rafi Saputra, 2019, Creating Bilingual Booklet to Support Tourism in Sangiran,

English Diploma Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Sebelas Maret University.


The objective of the report is to describe my internship projects in Sangiran Early Man

Site, running from 24 January 2019 to 25 February 2019. I worked in a group consisting of four

members during conducting the internship program. My group projects were creating a

promotional video and a bilingual booklet. I got tasks to create the bilingual booklet. In the

bilingual booklet contents, I applied the learning that I got from English for Advertising and

Public Relations Subject through the implementation of AIDA Models and persuasive

expressions. The problems faced were graphic design issue, internet connection issue, and taking

picture issue. The solutions for those problems are saving periodically the works, browsing in the

area with good Internet connection, and using smartphone camera.