The information service sub division at information and communication bureau in Surakarta city government
Oleh :
Ari Astuti - C9305096 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
2008. The objectives of the observation are to know the duties and the activities of Information service, and the obstacle faced by the staff of Information service. Descriptive method is used in this final project to discuss every information from the field, especially those related to the objectives of the report. By using this method the writer can describe the duties, the activities and the obstacle of Information service. Based on the discussion, the writer knows that the main duty of Information service is to provide the information arranged by the head of department. It is necessary to cooperate with the broadcasting media to socialize information. Besides, the obstacle of information service is that the distribution of data is not on time. In conclusion, the writer finds out that the discipline in time is very important to distribute the up to date information.